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자주 사용하는 SAP System Field 내용 정리



SY-SUBRCReturn code. 0 : Ok. 
SY-REPID Program: Name of ABAP/4 program.
SY-CPROGRuntime: Main program.
SY-TCODESession: Current transaction code.
SY-BATCH'X' => Background active (transaction is running in a batch environment in background mode).
SY-DYNNRNumber of current screen.
SY-LANGUSAP logon language key.
SY-UNAMESession: SAP user from SAP logon.
SY-DATUMSystem: Date. YYYYMMDD. (Appl.Server)
SY-UZEITSystem: Time. HHMMSS. (Appl.Server)
SY-MSGIDMessage Id.
SY-MSGTYMessage Type.
SY-MSGNOMessage Number.
SY-MSGV4Message Variables.
SY-VLINECurrent vertical line character ('|').
SY-ULINECurrent horizontal line characters ('-...-').
SY-TITLETitle of the current list.
SY-PFKEY key status of the displayed list.
SY-LSINDIndex of list created by current event (basic list = 0, 1st details list = 1, ...).
SY-UCOMMFunction code that triggered the event.
SY-PAGNOCurrent page number.
SY-LINNO Line number on the current page of the current output position.
SY-COLNOColumn of the current output position.
SY-TABIXCurrent index (after APPEND, COLLECT, READ TABLE operations, while LOOP processing).
SY-INDEXCurrent index (in DO, WHILE blocks).
SY-DBCNTNumber of lines affected or already been processed by the Open SQL operation.
SY-STEPLIndex of the screen table row that is currently being processed. Has a meaning only inside LOOP...ENDLOOP (looping through currently displayed rows of screen table and calling PBO/PAI modules).
SY-SPONOPrint list, spool number